Crowd Sourcing
Crowd sourcing is a combination of crowd and outsourcing. Whenever the projects are too large, however the budget and human resource is scarce then going for crowd sourcing is the best possible option. Crowd outsourcing is a technique of involving millions of internet users across the globe to achieve a task simultaneously in bulk in an efficient manner.
SMM (Social Media Marketing)
Social Media Marketing has emerged as a very strong marketing technique. It is a powerful way of keeping in touch with the consumers as well as the potential consumers. Increasingly we see that big social websites like facebook is offering a huge space for putting advertisements. A large crowd dwells on facebook for most part of the day and engage in various activities. This is when many companies can target their customers belonging to different categories quite precisely. Companies are getting great benefits out of the social media marketing actions.
Email & SMS
Mobile SMS and email marketing- the game changing technologies. Mobile being the hand held device and hence, being the handiest device for communication, mobile SMS marketing is picking up heat. Marketers are too much inclined to use mobile SMS as a very effective and influential marketing medium. It becomes even more captivating or attention seeker when accompanied with email marketing. Most people carrying smart phones have easy access to their email accounts on the move. Both mobile SMS and email marketing are extremely cheapest and the best ways of internet/online marketing.
Web B2c
The web business to consumers (b2c) is a terminology coined to give emphasis on how world wide web can help establish business to consumers relationship. In this time and age, increasing people are becoming internet savvy. They invest their maximum time online be it for socializing, job, shopping, payments, etc. It allows you to do all.