The ever-evolving business dynamics coupled with changing socio-economic situations and the increased customer expectations demand agile processes to ensure deliverables are met with no increase in cost. Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) provides solutions to companies improve service standards, improve efficiency of processes, streamline processes as well as gain access to the state-of-art technology without investing huge on manpower, technology and skills and keep a check on the cost of delivery.
BPO Plus is the largest Outsourcing provider in the Middle East. BPO+ is uniquely focused on delivering experience to global brands through technology, analytics and back office resulting in improved end-user experiences. Over the last 13 years, BPO+ has increased its portfolio of solutions to target the wide range of business and customer interactions through outsourcing. BPO+ manages close to 20 million customer interactions with the help of its back-office solutions every year for clients across verticals such as BFSI, Sports, Telecom, Education, Healthcare, Travel and Hospitality, Consumer Goods, Retail, and Technology. We have fostered successful relationships with our clients with a proven track record in delivering business value. As a trusted partner with wide-ranging service capabilities, BPO+ helps clients transform and succeed in challenging circumstances.
Creative solutions and versatile commercial models provide the cutting edge over the competition. The world class delivery of processes is a key differentiator which sets us apart from the other providers and helps us keep intact ‘the spirit of outsourcing’. The strong service-oriented culture within the organization has resulted in long term client associations spanning over a decade.
BPO+ helps clients accomplish business goals by providing the tools to do so. We at BPO+ hold our clients at the heart of all our transactions and ensure our trusted team is available round the clock to assist.